10 Minute timer circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

When ever you need to get an alarm or intimation after ten minutes, the circuit shown below can be used. The circuit is nothing but a monostable multivibrator based on IC NE 555. When ever you press the reset push button the green LED D1 glows after 10 minutes. if i change the value like R1=9. 5k ohm, R4=2. 15M ohm, C1=3. 3 micro farad, C2=100 micro fa

10 Minute timer circuit
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rad and other all values remain same then after what time diode D1 will glows and in output what will be come CAN ANY ONE HELP ME IF I WANT TO CHANGE THE 10 MINUTES TO 1 MIN WHICH COMPONENTS I HAVE TO CHANGE AND WHAT ARE VALUES FOR THE RESISTOR AND CAPACITOR FOR 1 MINUTE TIMER CIRCUIT IF U KNOW PLZZZZ MAIL TO raviteja50100@gmail. com frnds please help to me Hi Brian S1 is a push to on and release to off switch (bell push) With the first negative pulse IC pin 3 will go low, hence LED D2 Red should come on after ten minutes D1 green should come on and Red should go off. Please check. Old post but, The schematic doesn`t work ”- There is a direct connection from positive to ground with resistors and LEDs connected. The LEDs light without any IC involvement. 100sec with 10M with 10uf or 1M with 100uF. Beyond this it cannot be predicted. but I have tried upto 470uF and 1M with a maximum of 7 to 8mts, not beyond this. I have used tantalum capacitor and metal film resistance. 100sec with 10M with 10uf or 1M with 100uF. Beyond this it cannot be predicted. but I have tried upto 470uF and 1M with a maximum of 7 to 8mts, not beyond this. I have used tantalum capacitor and metal film resistance. Dear Harley The maximum capacitance you can use is 470uF and resistance 2. 2M. with the internal leakage of 470uF, 2. 2M may not be in a position to charge the capacitor at all. hence 1M and 330uF are the practically the highest values you can...

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