50w audio amplifier using ic tda1562

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The integrated output amplifier described in this article consists of little more than one integrated circuit. It is intended especially for use in motor vehicles and other battery-operated applications. Although it appears simple and hardly worth looking at, the amplifier can produce an appreciable audio power output. The circuit diagram in Figur

50w audio amplifier using ic tda1562
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e 2 emphasizes how few external components are needed to construct a complete output amplifier. For instance, the new device does not need compensation networks to enhance the stability. Also, because of the absence of switch-on phenomena, there is no need for a switch-on delay network. There is, of course, still a need for supply line decoupling capacitors. Capacitors C5 and C6 are required for Class-H operation, about which more in the box. The value of input capacitors C1 and C2 is relatively low, thanks to the high input impedance of the IC. Switched RC network R4-C4 at the mode select` input (pin 4) serves to switch the IC to mute` or standby`. When the supply voltage is switched on, the IC is first switched automatically to the mute` mode and to on` only after a short delay. The time constant R4-C4 is a few tenths of a second and this delay between the two states is sufficient to obviate disturbing (and annoying) switch-on phenomena. Switch S1 enables the amplifier to be switched to standby` when the use of the amplifier is not needed for a period of time. When that time has elapsed, the amplifier is quickly reverted to normal operation. The current drain in the standby mode is virtually negligible at only 200 µA. Resistor R3 prevents a short-circuit current ensuing when S1 is being closed at the instant C4 is being discharged.

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