70 W switching power supply

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The schematic diagram come from circuit: 70 W Switching Power supply with KA2S0880 IC power supply. Go to that page to read the explanation about above power supply related circuit diagram. The schematic shows the power supply capacity of 70W stereo amplifier Power converter is built on a chip KA2S0880, which includes all the necessary components

70 W switching power supply
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

to build the primary of the power supply. This chip is very stable in operation. This simple switching regulator circuit have 5 V output, the input provide by a 9 V battery. It having 80% efficiency and 50mA output capability. How simple switching Regulator works: While Q1 is actually on, its collector voltage increases, delivering current. The circuit 12 volt / 2 A switching power supply in the above scheme is not too complicated. At the output of this block provides a stable 12 V and maximum current 2A. Power supply units are quite compact and. The main part of any amplifier is the power supply. It is clear that to obtain a high output 12-volt battery is not enough. Therefore, we must first create a voltage converter, which enables a bipolar supply -60V with a. The scheme is a classical flyback power supply for PWM UC3842. Since the scheme`s base power supply output parameters can be easily converted to the necessary. As an example, for the consideration of selected Power supply for Notebook Power 20V. We aim to transmit more information by carrying articles. Please send us an E-mail to wanghuali@hqew. net within 15 days if we are involved in the problems of article content, copyright or other problems. We will delete it soon.

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