9-Line Telephone Sharer

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This circuit is able to handle nine independent telephones (using a single telephone line pair) located at nine different locations, say, up to a distance of 100m from each other, for receiving and making outgoing calls, while maintaining conversation secrecy. This circuit is useful when a single telephone line is to be shared by more members resi

9-Line Telephone Sharer
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ding in different rooms/apartments. Normally, if one connects nine phones in parallel, ring signals are heard in all the nine telephones (it is also possible that the phones will not work due to higher load), and out of nine persons eight will find that the call is not for them. Further, one can overhear others` conversation, which is not desirable. To overcome these problems, the circuit given here proves beneficial, as the ring is heard only in the desired extension, say, extension number 1`. For making use of this facility, the calling subscriber is required to initially dial the normal phone number of the called subscriber. When the call is established, no ring-back tone is heard by the calling party. The calling subscriber has then to press the asterik (*) button on the telephone to activate the tone mode (if the phone normally works in dial mode) and dial extension number, say, 1`, within 10 seconds. (In case the calling subscriber fails to dial the required extension number within 10 seconds, the line will be disconnected automatically. ) Also, if the dialed extension phone is not lifted within 10 seconds, the ring-back tone will cease. The ring signal on the main phone line is detected by opto-coupler MCT- 2E (IC1), which in turn activates the 10-second on timer`, formed by IC2 (555), and energises relay RL10 (6V, 100- ohm, 2 C/O). One of the N/O` contacts of the relay has been used to connect +6V rail to the...

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