An Intel 8088 Maximum Mode Single Board Computer System

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

As an integral part of an advanced computer science course in microcomputer systems it was thought that students could benefit from the design of a single board computer system based on a readily available microprocessor. This led to the project that is described in this paper. Most of the actual design work was done by James Antonakos as part of

An Intel 8088 Maximum Mode Single Board Computer System
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an Independent Study project. The result was a single board microcomputer system (SBMCS) that requires only a power supply and a serial monitor to be fully functional. This same project will be assigned to advanced undergraduate and intermediate graduate computer science students working in teams. A photograph of the working single board microcomputer system that was designed and constructed is given in Figure 1. The purpose of this document is to briefly describe the theory of operation behind the 8088 Single Board Microcomputer. The system has been designed to meet the following requirements: The descriptions that follow are based on the 4-page schematic for the system. Page one is the schematic of the CPU section, containing the 8088, an 8284 clock generator, an 8288 bus controller and address and data line buffers. The 8284 is needed to generate the clock, ready and reset signals. The 8088 may be placed into a non-ready state by grounding either of the RDY inputs on the 8284. Figure 3 shows the schematic diagram of the CPU module. The 8288 is needed to decode the 8088`s status outputs since we are operating the 8088 in maximum mode. In addition to generating the memory and io-port read/write signals the 8288 also controls the bidirectional data bus driver (the 8286) and the lower address latch chip (the 8282). Since the upper address lines are not multiplexed all we need to do is buffer them, hence the use of the LS244...

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