Circuit examples

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Input J4 has offset function provided that no plug is inserted into J4 as the switching contact of J4 is connected to the positive supply voltage in this case (via the protection resistor R8). At J5 the inverting sum of all inputs is available. J6 outputs the non-inverting sum. P5 allows an additional attenuation of the complete signal (affects on

Circuit examples
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ly J6). The CV mixer described above can be expanded to a so-called matrix mixer. This circuit has several inputs available (three in the example circuit) that can be mixed to different outputs (three in the example circuit) with adjustable levels. At each point of the matrix a potentiometer is available that defines the level for the matrix junction in question. The circuit can be used for CV or audio applications. The number of inputs and outputs can be increased to the desired value of columns and rows. For each of the outputs the two OpAmp circuit with the corresponding output socket is required. For each input another socket and the corresponding quantity of potentiometers and resistors is required. To obtain a higher or smaller overall amplification the feedback resistor of the first (left) OpAmp of each output circuits has to be adjusted (as described above). The left picture shows the basic circuit of a manual gate. The 470 Ohm resistor serves as a short circuit protector. Without this resistor the +12V supply would be shorted to GND if a patch cable is inserted to the socket while the button is pressed. The left picture shows the circuit of "or-wired" sockets. This circuit is useful to combine gate or trigger signals. The incoming signals are or-wired, i. e. if any of the inputs is "high" the output turns "high" too ("high" means a positive voltage in the range of typical +5. +12V). If none of the inputs is high...

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