Aristo Streamliner Tips

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The streamliner passenger car came into existence just before W. W. II as parts of dedicated passenger car and locomotive consists. They were designed to be lightweight to allow high speeds with a single rather small diesel engine. Eventually the railroads migrated them into regular trains based on their ride comfort and splashy looks. During the 40

Aristo Streamliner Tips
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`s and early 50`s you could occasionally find mixed consists of streamliners and heavyweights pulled by either steam or diesel or both in some places. A steam helper in front of an F7 ABBA set was not uncommon on the Cajon Pass. In later years, solid consists of streamliners could be found across the country. Aristo`s model of the streamliner car is based on a Budd prototype. The car is 30" long across the stock couplers and 27-1/2" long across the striker plates. This scales out to 66. 5` at 1/29 scale which means that this car is a little bit short. Unlike the standard heavyweights, these cars have no internal detail. There is a green tinted film covering the windows. The cars are lit and at night the effect is still quite good. There is an equipment box hanging under the car that looks suspiciously like the fuel tank on an FA. It even includes the cutout for the sound system on/off switch. It would appear that Aristo is recycling some tooling. The car is made from a single aluminum extrusion so that it really does look like polished metal because it is. The end caps are molded plastic and the color of the cap and doors attached to the caps do not match the car bodies precisely, but they are close. In the ATSF Warbonnet scheme, the engine color doesn`t match the cars, however in the prototype, they didn`t match either. The engines were painted steel and the cars were either stainless steel or polished aluminum. I have yet...

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