Build your own simple IC tester applied to standard TTL or CMOS IC

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

What is mean logic-1 or logic-0 Logic-1 and logic-0 strongly connection between the state at one moment and one condition. Logic-1 means any states are in the condition of high voltage close to Vcc voltage, and logic-0 means any states that close to netral or ground voltage. Is that just right that. What about logic philosophy Logic philosophy

Build your own simple IC tester applied to standard TTL or CMOS IC
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are like this, at one state, logic-0 cannot be made to be come logic-1 but logic-1 can be made to be logic-0. So if we want to exam the output of any devices (like and gate, or gate, not gate, buffer, counter, etc. ), the output logic must be keep to be logic-1, then the input logic can be applied and the output logic will be changed by the result. This project was dedicated to Paul Stenning at where the idea come when I saw his project. The project used a standard serial port type. I got quiet difficult to find this type IC. So I made the parallel port version. The concept is still the same. I changed only the part of serial to parallel convertion data. But my program still can used both hardware, serial port type or parallel port version. Certainly I didn`t try the serial version, because I didn`t build it, so if someone have found any bugs, please report it to me. I will fix it. Thanks to Paul because of his great thinking. I myself already tried a long time ago to make a device like this (simple ic-tester) to test any other ICs in my junk trash can. Thank you very much Paul`S ! Some part was changed to accomodate the parallel type port. The original clock circuit, RS-232 buffers and interface was omitted and replace with the parallel port interface and the flip-flop latch changed with 8-bit latch, so the circuit is more simpler. Other parts are still the same accept that the selector switch to select the IC power was...

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