Cuckoo Sound Generator Circuit Schematic

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This circuit generates a two-tone effect very much alike the cuckoo song. It can be used for door-bells or other purposes thanks to a built-in audio amplifier and loudspeaker. Used as a sound effect generator it can be connected to external amplifiers, tape recorders etc. In this case, the built-in audio amplifier and loudspeaker may be omitted an

Cuckoo Sound Generator Circuit Schematic
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d the output taken across C8 and ground. There are two options: free running, when SW1 is left open, and one-shot, when SW1 is closed. In this case a two-tone cuckoo song will be generated at each P1 pressing. IC1 is wired as a square wave generator and produces both tones of the cuckoo song. The frequency of the higher one (667Hz) is set by means of Trimmer R2. When IC2D output goes low, a further Trimmer (R22) is added to IC1 timing components via D6, and the lower tone (545Hz) is generated. To imitate closely the cuckoo song, the square wave output of IC1 is converted to a quasi-sinusoidal wave form by R3, R4, C3 and C4, then mixed with the white noise generated by Q1, R6. Q2 has two purposes: it mixes the two incoming signals and gates the resulting tone, shaping its attack and decay behavior by means of the parts wired around its Emitter. IC4 is the audio power amplifier driving the speaker and R15 is the volume control. The various sound and pause timings for the circuit are provided by the clock generator IC2A driving the decade counter IC3. Some output pins of this IC are gated by IC2C, IC2D and related components to drive appropriately the sound generator and the sound gate. When SW1 is left open the circuit operates in the free-running mode and the cuckoo song is generated continuously. When SW1 is closed, the circuit generates two tones then stops, because a high state appears at the last output pin (#11) of the...

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