Data Based IQ Modulator

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The IQ_Mod project illustrates the use of the IQ_Mod_Setup and IQ_Mod_Data components in ADS. These components are part of the ADS behavioral model suite found under the System - Data Models palette. `IQ_mod_ckt. dsn` is a schematic for the modulator of interest. This modulator is a modification of the circuit-level modulator constructed.

Data Based IQ Modulator
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The biggest difference is the removal of the amplifier ["PA_2stg. dsn"]. The modulator is constructed of the sub-circuits "MixerGilCel. dsn", "phase_shift. dsn", and "Wilkinson. dsn". "circuit_level_ramp. dsn" is a schematic for a circuit level Circuit Envelope simulation of "IQ_mod_ckt. dsn" with I_Q waveforms that have time-varying amplitude. The result is in the dataset "circuit_level_ramp. ds". "behavioral_level_ramp. dsn" is a schematic for a behavioral level Circuit Envelope simulation with I_Q waveforms that have time-varying amplitude. "IQ_mod_ckt. dsn" is modeled behaviorally with IQ_Mod_Data along with the dataset "Setup_IQ_mod_ckt. ds". The result is in the dataset "behavioral_level_ramp. ds". "circuit_level_QAM. dsn" is a schematic for a circuit level Circuit Envelope simulation of "IQ_mod_ckt. dsn" with I_Q waveforms for a 16 QAM modulation. The result is in the dataset "circuit_level_QAM. ds". "behavioral_level_QAM. dsn" is a schematic for a behavioral level Circuit Envelope simulation of with I_Q waveforms for a 16 QAM modulation. "IQ_mod_ckt. dsn" is modeled behaviorally with IQ_Mod_Data along with the dataset "Setup_IQ_mod_ckt. ds". The result is in the dataset "behavioral_level_QAM. ds". In Figure 1, a comparison of circuit and behavioral level results is given for Circuit Envelope simulation. Both input and output waveforms are modeled accurately. In Figure 2, a comparison of circuit and behavioral level...

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