Digital Slave Flash Trigger PIC 12F675

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The Slave Flash Trigger is switched on/off by pressing the push button. When switched on, one to three flickers of the indicator lamp signalizes the programmed mode. One flicker determines that the flash will be fired at each flash. Two flickers indicate that the flash is fired at the second flash. Three flickers mean that the external flash is fi

Digital Slave Flash Trigger PIC 12F675
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red not earlier than at the third flash. The indicator lamp, after the Slave Flash Trigger is switched on, does not glow permanently due to the maximum saving of power. Thus, the operating time of about 300 hours is achieved for one battery. The switch-off is signalled by the slow extinguishing of the indicator lamp. If the Slave Flash Trigger is not switched off by the push button manually, then it is switched off automatically in half an hour from the last captured flash. First it is necessary to set the required parameters on the camera, if such setting exists. It is possible to put the Slave Flash Trigger into a programming mode from any position by a prolonged press of the push button for about 3 seconds. Then the indicator lamp will glow continuously for one minute. During this time the device is capable of receiving the sequence of flashes. Now one need only take one picture by a camera with the active internal flash near the Slave Flash Trigger in a programming mode. Sensitivity is intentionally markedly reduced in the programming mode so that disturbing pulses cannot be captured. But it is not optimal to program the unit from the close proximity; the most advantageous is the reflected light of the flash. Capturing the programming sequence (flashes of the flash unit of a camera) is signalled by a time lag of approximately 3 s by going into the "ON" state with a corresponding flickering of the indicator lamp. Then...

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