Light Controlled Relays

Posted on Aug 19, 2012

The first circuit energizes the relay when the light rises above the preset level. The second circuit energizes the relay when the light falls below the preset level. The two circuits are practically identical. The only difference between them is the polarity of the transistor. The value of the LDR is not critical. The important thing is the voltage on pins 5 & 6. Any value LDR should work satisfactorily. But you may need to change the value of R1 - to achieve the desired range of adjustment.

Light Controlled Relays
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Do not use the "on-board" relay to switch mains voltage. The board's layout does not offer sufficient isolation between the relay contacts and the low-voltage components. If you want to switch mains voltage - mount a suitably rated relay somewhere safe -

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