Dome Drive Schematic

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A couple of changes on the dead band and Pulse Stretcher resistors, and the Position feedback potentiometer has been hacked around to function as a `zero the speed` or `center your transmitter sticks`. The rest is just the addition is a fairly traditional PNP-NPN H-bridge to handle the higher currents of the large motor. So all we have to do is change it back to

Dome Drive Schematic
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function as a servo and stick a potentiometer in the middle of R2 ½s dome rotation mechanism and now we have a giant RC servo. But Oatley sells a giant RC servo kit. Why not just use that instead Sure you can. And it would work no problem if you wanted R2 ½s head to rotate a maximum of about 70-90 degrees. 35-45 degrees or so each side of center. If that is ok for your needs then just purchase the K165B kit, put it together and you ½re done. . However, other than very reduced dome rotation, the old kit has a much different H-bridge design that is not as efficient as the forward reverse kit. And unlike the forward/reverse kit you cannot add the additional Mosfet`s to be handle larger current motors or amperage. This kits H-bridge design uses a couple of very large resistors for the Mosfet gate drive, which significantly turns batteries quickly into heat. See Figure 5. So other options What do I want the dome to do I want at least 360 degrees of rotation. Problem is that standard potentiometers don ½t turn that far. Generally somewhere between 270-330 degrees and the circuit limits them down to half of that. So we have a number of options. The easiest is a multiturn potentiometer. Generally these larger panel mount devices come in a 10-turn style where you have to turn them 10 complete revolutions to go the full swing of the resistance. Not a bad option. I connect one on R2 and now I get 2. 5 revolutions of the dome from the...

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