Electronic Circuit Schematic DC Motor Driver using L293D Dual H-Bridge

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

According electronic schematic of DC driver motor using L293D in figure 2, we can use it to control two DC motor continuously. We can control DC motor one to rotate clock wise and DC motor two to rotate anti clock wise. We also can control all motor to rotate clock wise, anti click wise, or stop all. We can control it with give control in input of

Electronic Circuit Schematic DC Motor Driver using L293D Dual H-Bridge
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

L293D. You can use guidance like in figure 3 bellow: From figure 3 above, we can make motor rotate clock wise when in input we give 1 logic in A and 0 logic in B. Also we can make motor rotate anti clock wise when input we give 0 logic in A and 1 logic in B. We can stop all motor with give in all input 1 logic. Attention you don`t give in all input with 0 logic, because it can make L293D error or damage like burn or shot circuit. So careful when you set it. Thank you very much for your visiting in Robometricschool blog, We hope you will get more information about Robotic, Mechatronic, and Electronic. And don`t forget to give us your comment about this article. Let keep for building comment.

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