Electronic Drum Synthesizer

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The circuit below consists of two twin-T  oscillators set to a point below oscillation. To set the circuit into oscillation, we can touch the Touch Pad. Here is the schematic diagram of the circuit: By touching the pads in different ways and a whole range of effects are available will produce different effects. Before oscillation, the two 25k po

Electronic Drum Synthesizer
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ts are adjusted to a point. We can produce a drum roll by shifting a finger rapidly across adjacent ground and drum pads. [Source: talkingelectronics. com] This is a circuit which is a modification of Hartley oscillator with the addition of several components. This circuit uses a small audio transformer, type LT700. The primary of this transformer is center tapped with an impedance of 1Kohms at Continue reading †’. Providing a touch switch can be a cool way to make your circuit looks sophisticated. Moreover, providing separate touch pad for on  and off  function improve the safety, since touching one function doesn`t trigger opposite action to what we expect Continue reading †’. This is single op-amp tone control circuit. This circuit is a hybrid low-pass, high pass and one-pole circuits with attenuation and gain. This circuit is the solution for limits cost because it requires a minimum component. Here is the circuit Continue reading †’. This is a metronome circuit that has mechanical sound character. The metronome that has mechanical sound character will make our life more fun and it would be elegant and cool. Here is the circuit : This circuit uses two two Continue reading †’. A frequency-selective frequency multiplier can be construct with a PLL system by inserting frequency divider inside the feedback between the phase detector input and the VCO output. Figure below shows the schematic diagram of low-frequency...

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