Ensemble RX Builders

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This kit is the earlier, now retired Ensemble RX version. These instructions are provided for those who possess and might have delayed building that version of the Ensemble RX kit. The latest version is the Ensemble RX II. Kit. The Ensemble RX kit and its 4. 5: X 2` board represent the culmination of a long line of Softrock SDR receivers from Tony

Ensemble RX Builders
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Parks, KB9YIG. The line began with the Softrock 40 RX and went through several iterations of receivers. The most recent receiver was the All-band receiver with an add-on automatically switched bandpass filter. This current kit is a considerable refinement on that kit and streamlines the kitting process for Tony. The Ensemble RX kit provides coverage of ham bands from 160-10m, in four different optional "super bands" (each with underlap and overlap within the parameters of the associated bandpass filter): The band coverage is via 4 switchable "bands" ("superbands"). Band switching is performed under program control, in conjunction with programmatic control of the receive frequency. This control is provided by an Atmel ATTiny85 micro-controller, acting as a USB device to control the Si570 programmable oscillator and automatically switch to the appropriate band (0-3) as the frequency changes. As a welcome improvement over other models, this kit provides pcb-right-angle jacks for all external connections: Antenna, USB from the PC, I/Q output to the PC, and Power to the Board. Thus, once built, the kit can be placed in a suitable enclosure and handled thereafter as a "blackbox peripheral" to the PC. The design of the Ensemble RX is very similar to the receiver design of its sibling Ensemble RXTX. The major difference is the greater band coverage of the Ensemble RX kit (roughly 4 "superbands" on the RX vs. 1 "superband" on the...

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