Digital Voltmeter and Ammeter Circuit Module

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This V/I display module is eminently suitable for building into an existing DC power supply, where it gives a precise indication of the set voltage or the current consumption of the load. In the voltage range, the decimal point lights on LD3, and the resolution is therefore 100 mV Two current ranges are possible: 0-9. 99 A (link a) or 0-0. 999 (. 999

Digital Voltmeter and Ammeter Circuit Module
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) A (link b). These points should be adjusted in the above order. Two presets, P1 and P3, are required to ensure correct nulling of the module. P1 compensates for the quiescent current consumption of the regulator circuit in the supply. When voltage measurement is selected, P4-R1 attenuates the input voltage by a factor 100. Also, point D is pulled low so that the decimal point on the LS display, and the The sensing resistor has such a low value as to render the voltage divider ineffective. There are four adjustment points in the module: P1: current range nulling; P2: full-scale current calibration; P3: voltage range nulling; P4: full-scale voltage calibration. The V/I display module is conveniently fed from the unregulated voltage available in the supply (max. 35 V) see points E and F in Fig. 2; bridge rectifier B1 may then be omitted.

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