Feeding CB and Ham radio audio into the aux circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

You`ll feed the audio from each radio into the ipod audio output, and vice versa. which changes the impedance and affects the sound levels (along with possibly damaging the audio circuit of one or all of the radios involved). I`m no expert, by I don`t think the resistors will do the job. You need to isolate each audio output from each other - just like the way the factory audio requires you to switch inputs to prevent more than

Feeding CB and Ham radio audio into the aux circuit
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one audio output being fed into the system together at any time. You could do that with a capacitor on each output. We use blocking diodes in the aircraft that I work on, but I wont speak on that until I breadboard one up and give it a try. There are many audio systems that mix two audio outputs to an amp. Mic mixers, DJ systems, etc. I don`t want to dig into this that deep, but I honestly think I can build a mixer that will mix to radio outputs to one speaker, and do that without it costing too much. Not exactly - you`ll feed the audio from each radio into the ipod audio output, and vice versa. which changes the impedance and affects the sound levels (along with possibly damaging the audio circuit of one or all of the radios involved). I`m no expert, by I don`t think the resistors will do the job. You need to isolate each audio output from each other - just like the way the factory audio requires you to switch inputs to prevent more than one audio output being fed into the system together at any time.

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