Lithium Ion Lithium Poly Charger by LM317

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The above circuit will charge any 2-cell * Li-Ion battery pack. Maximum current is about 650 milliamps. The circuit is designed for batteries of 900mah or higher. Note this circuit is NOT for Li-Metal batts (i. e. Duralites). Power source can be a 12v Gell cell (Power panel), or can be powered by a car`s cigarette lighter. I use an old 12v DC wall

Lithium Ion Lithium Poly Charger by LM317
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

transformer (800ma or more. ) Radio shack sells a 12v/1amp wall DC adapter #273-1776 that will work. Supply does not need to be regulated. In fact my cheap supply outputs 17 volts with no load. Disclaimer All files are found using legitimate search engine techniques. This site does not and will not condone hacking into sites to create the links it list. We will and do assume that all links found on the search engines we use are obtained in a legal manner and the webmasters are aware of the links listed on the search engines. If you find a URL that belongs to you, and you did not realize that it was "open to the public", please use the report button to notify the blogmaster of your request to remove it or it will remove within 24 hours. This is not an invitation for webblog haters to spam with requests to remove content they feel that is objectionable and or unacceptable. Proof of URL ownership is required. NOTICE: This Blog Has Already Been Reviewed And Accepted By Blogger. com

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