Final Project

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The purpose was to create an octave and have the ability to play it when a crocodile paddle was pressed. I made this device because I like music and I thought the ability to control the sound with your feet would be cool. This project is to preform the function of entertaining people while acting as a giant piano. It will entertain because it will be

Final Project
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unconventional on how it is played and the sounds that will be produced. I built this project out of cut 2 X 4 ²s, springs, buttons, 5/8 inch drill bit, drill, screws, screwdriver, wires, 8 5/8 inch X 7 inch bolts, nuts, and an arduino. Next I drilled 5/8 wholes in pairs of the 6 inch boards. I did this by mesuring 2 inches from the top and 2 from the sides to place the hole at one end of the board to make a lever. The project was mostly a success. I was proud of how well the buttons worked, but I would of soldered the joints better to the buttons and shortened the length of the 6 inch 2X4 ²s to maybe 4 inches to flatten out the design. I would also paint the project to make the 2X4 ²s look nicer. Other then the sizing and design the mechanics of the project couldn`t of worked better. If I was to do this project again I would definitely look more into force meters so I could make a totally flat platform to stand on. Another thing I would change is the use of a partner because the work load was fairly heavy for one person to handle. There was not only the building of 8 switch/steps to make but I also had to code for each one to work. And to expand on this project I would try to use clear materials I could light up with leds in coordination with the buttons being pressed. This would trigger music and a visual show. I would also like to find different sounds and incorporate a melody function to allow for multiple notes to be...

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