Ford Thunderbird: air conditioning instrument panel blow resistor

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Ford Thunderbird 1997 - Turned blower/fan on for air conditioning heard a snap under instrument panel - no air/blow for a/c, heater or defrost. Checked blade fuse ok. Could my blower switch be bad, or inline fuse or bad resistor You will have to check all fuses and verify they are ok and check the specific ones shown in the schematic below and verify you have power going into the blower fan controller module.

Ford Thunderbird: air conditioning instrument panel blow resistor
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Unable to receive full schamatic, can you please resend in smaller view so I can print full schmatic. Sorry so long to reply been sick. I have checked all fuses except for `blower in-line fuse` can`t find it!Where is it located You can go to print preview setting to make it fit best, check for power on the pin to the pulse head controller the inline fuse supplies to see if it is good. Ask-a-doc Web sites: If you`ve got a quick question, you can try to get an answer from sites that say they have various specialists on hand to give quick answers. Justanswer. com. Traffic on JustAnswer rose 14 percent. and had nearly 400, 000 page views in 30 days. inquiries related to stress, high blood pressure, drinking and heart pain jumped 33 percent. Because of your expertise, you armed me with enough ammunition to win the battle with the dealer. They are installing a fuel filter and fuel pump at no charge to me. Molly USA I needed help with my car on Saturday morning. got a response in 5 minutes, and it was the perfect solution. Thanks again to your service. Jason V. Kirkland, WA I would (and have) recommend your site to others I was quite satisfied with the quality of the information received, the professional with whom I interacted, and the quick response time. Thanks, and be sure that I`ll be back whenever I need a question answered in a hurry. Stephanie P Elm City, NC used your service this weekend with "Trecers" help. thank you,...

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