Frequency to voltage converter using LM331

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

LM331 is basically a precision voltage to frequency converter from National Semiconductors. The IC has a hand full of applications like analog to digital conversion, long term integration, voltage to frequency conversion, frequency to voltage conversion. Wide dynamic range and excellent linearity makes the IC well suitable for the applications men

Frequency to voltage converter using LM331
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tioned above. Here the LM331 is wired as a frequency to voltage converter which converts the input frequency into a proportional voltage which is extremely linear to the input frequency. The frequency to voltage conversion is attained by differentiating the input frequency using capacitor C3 and resistor R7 and feeding the resultant pulse train to the pin6 (threshold) of the IC. The negative going edge of the resultant pulse train at pin6 makes the built-in comparator circuit to trigger the timer circuit. At any instant, the current flowing out of the current output pin (pin 6) will be proportional to the input frequency and value of the timing components (R1 and C1). As a result a voltage (Vout) proportional to the input frequency (Fin) will be available across the load resistor R4.

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