Posted on Feb 5, 2014

High voltage resistors for HV divider are SFERNICE or PHILIPS type VR37 (3. 5 kV - 0. 4 W). They are NOT expansive (even if they are sold by 25 or 50 units) and it is always useful to have some in junkbox if you want to make high voltage divider for other applications. The power command circuit, on mains supply MUST be fugitive  with push buttonsand auto maintain loop

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on mains power relay. See schematic (in French) of my power supply with "soft start" circuit. Nota: for start-up, the trip relay contact shall be short circuited by the "ON" push button. Meter scales can be made with F5BU`s FREEWARE GALVA  easy to use (french & english), or, with WB6BLD`s (unfortunately NO LONGER FREE) METER  available on the net. Download file for PCB with bill of materials, datasheets, EXCEL calculation sheets, layout for high voltage fuses, and this PDF file in: HV METERS & TRIP F1FRV. ZIP You can also simulate and predict accurately the results of your power supply (no load, under load, ripple. ), in using the excellent freeware PSUD2 available in the links page. See also associated page HV RECTIFIER BRIDGE with PCB, and PCB for "ersatz " of SILEC P800H: 8000V@3Amps controled avalanche rectifier (hard to find now. ). Cette alimentation a G©tG© concue pour alimenter soit un amplificateur de puissance 4 ou 5 kW (2 x GS35 ou 1 x GU-78b), soit deux amplificateurs de la classe 2000/2500 Watts (1 x GS35 ou 1 x 8877) en fonctionnement SIMULTANE. Le transformateur nG©cG©ssaire a G©tG© rG©alisG© sur mesures par une petite sociG©tG© trG¨s compG©tente et trG¨s compG©titive (voir coordonnG©es et prix avec les photos). Le poids de l`alimentation complG¨te (~110 kg) nG©cG©ssite l`utilisation d`un chassis G©quipG© de solides roulettes. La sG©curitG© est TRES importante. Tous les circuits de commande sont G...

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