
Posted on Feb 4, 2014

The Hakkit robotics shield is a breakout kit for the Arduino Uno R3. When assembled the shield gives five standard servo headers taking advantage of the PWM pins on the Arduino and breaks out the analog pins to give six inputs for sensors. This shield is the first part of our range of robotics kits. The analog headers on the board are intended to

Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

be compatible with a range of sensors which we have coming soon the have been planned so that sensors can be plugged in and receive power. These are designed to use the same plugs as standard servos so as to reduce the number of different types of connectors and leads that are needed to use the shield. The servo out connectors are there to allow the use of servos or electronic speed controllers (* See Note) allowing the robot or project to have the ability to move around. * Note: When using electronic speed controllers with BEC (Battery Elimination Circuit) you will not want to use the regulator on the board. If you want to power your Arduino separately you should remove the power jumper. If you would like to use the power supply from you ESC to power your Arduino you should put the jumper into the Arduino Power Source position. Not all speed controllers have a battery elimination circuit but if they do it is usually listed as a feature on the packaging. The above schematic shows the full breakout of the pins that we are using and the power supply circuit. We have chosen not to add capacitors onto the 7805 circuit as the voltage output from the chosen part has proven to provide an output voltage within the desired tolerance without the need of the capacitors. Not shown on the above schematic we have also included a header for a software serial port. This uses the soft serial library within Arduino. We have planned this port...

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