Help in identifying the schematic symbol

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This circuit seems interesting and I wanted to simulate and construct it, but the problem is I do not know what do the 3 symbols in the circuit represent (1 in audio input, 1 in the middle, and 1 at the antenna). I have never come across with these symbols before. It`s not, IMO it`s showing that another `connector` or take off could be installed at that point for some reason.

Help in identifying the schematic symbol
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If you do not require that take off, just consider it a non-connection like this. And also, in constructing the circuit physically, 1st stage (modulator) and 2nd stage (amplifier) should be seperated from each other by a metal plate right, but physically connected by a wire without using co-axial cable as shown in the figure above The circuit is probably meant to be constructed in a metal (steel) box or rectangular tube. The metal is the circuit ground. You place a steel sheet with a hole in it between the two sections of the circuit, and solder it to the metal on three sides (the fourth side is formed by the clip-on steel cover), and feed the signal through the hole, using insulation, or a ceramic tube, to insulate the wire so it can`t make contact with the plate. You can also get complete feedthrough components that you solder to the hole, which have a connection on each side. Open up a TV tuner or modulator; you may see something similar. The circuit is probably meant to be constructed in a metal (steel) box or rectangular tube. The metal is the circuit ground. You place a steel sheet with a hole in it between the two sections of the circuit, and solder it to the metal on three sides (the fourth side is formed by the clip-on steel cover), and feed the signal through the hole, using insulation, or a ceramic tube, to insulate the wire so it can`t make contact with the plate. And also, in constructing the circuit...

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