Intelligent pulse electric bicycle charger principle diagram

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Voltage driving type pulse width modulator 1. feature and function of TL494 TL494 is produced by the United States IR company. It is voltage driving type pulse width modulator, which can be used as switching power circuit in display, computer and other system circuit. The output triode of TL494 can connect to the mode of common emitter or emitterfollower

Intelligent pulse electric bicycle charger principle diagram
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. So it can choose the double-end push-pull or single-end output mode. When ituses push-pull output mode, the differ of two drive pulse is 180 °, but when it is single end mode, its two ways ofdrive pulse have the same frequency and same phase. The internal function diagram of TL494 is shown in the following diagram 1IN+, 1IN-, 2IN+, 1IN input; FEEDBACK feed-back; DTC non load control; CT timing capacitor; RT timing resistor; GND ground; C1, C2 collector 1, 2; E1, E2 emitter 1, 2; Vcc power supply; OUTPUT CTR output control; REF reference. 2, application circuit

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