Line-Following Mini-Tank - Schematic

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The Schematic has three main parts to it. The Sensor Circuitry where the accelerometer is wired up to the A/D converters. The second part is the power circuit where we have the On/Off switch, the 3. 7v battery & +5v 7805 Voltage Regualtor. The 3rd part of the circuit is the 3 7-Segment LEDs. The motor circuit controls the motors depending on the s

Line-Following Mini-Tank - Schematic
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ensor data that comes in through the `analog brain` circuit. The two motors are 3v and can move moderatley fast. The diode that connects the motors to the battery reduces the voltage at the motors which slows them down a little bit. The IR Emitter LED and Phototransistor are used for sensing white or black color. The LED emits IR light and the phototransistor receives IR light. Together they work well at see what type of light if any is reflected from a surface. This part of the circuit connects the sensor circuit and the motor circuit together so that the robot can do its job. A little ASIC logic is used to transfer incoming sensor signals into which motor should be turned on and when.

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