Low Voltage 2mhz Step-up Dc/dc Converter

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The AAT1275 evaluation board provides a platform for test and evaluation of the AAT1275 switching boost converter with USB Power Switch The evaluation board demonstrates suggested size and placement of external components to achieve 5V output voltages and up to 500mA output load current to support USB VBUS operation from an input supply as low as

Low Voltage 2mhz Step-up Dc/dc Converter
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2. 7V. The external components are selected for small size to suit portable applications while the layout has been optimized to achieve high efficiency and low output noise with the TSOPJW-12 package. The design operates across an input voltage range from 2. 7 to 5V. This document provides details on the operation and test of the AAT1275 Evaluation Board. Modification of the resistor divider network (R2, R3) allows different output voltages. The load Switch current limit level at OUT2 is determined by RSET (R4) value (see Table 1). When the OUT2 pin load current has exceeded current limit level the AAT1275 shuts down to minimize the power dissipation and component stresses under over load and short circuit conditions.

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