Bus Description RS644 LVDS

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Designed with an output voltage swing of 350mV at better then 400Mbps into a 100 ohm load, across a distance of about 10 meters. LVDS is only an Electrical spec - to be referenced by other specifications, it may be used with either a cable or PWB design. The type of cable determines cable length; Category 3 (CAT3) for 10m in length, CAT5 for longe

Bus Description RS644 LVDS
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r runs (~20 meters @ 100Mbps, ~50 meters @ 50Mbps, ~100 meters @ 10Mbps). Ribbon cable may be used for sub meter runs. Also listed under IEEE 1596. 3. EIA-644 [LVDS] should not be confused with other (higher speed) Low-Voltage Differential circuits; ECL, PECL, LVPECL, or CML, all of which also use the term LVDS. M-LVDS Multipoint LVDS [EIA-899], Addresses double terminated bus configurations also extends the common-mode range to +/-2 V. 11mA drive at 500Mbps max, 200/300Mbps typical for Multi-point LVDS uses a single 100 ohm termination resistor at the Receiver side of the bus. The Receiver provides failsafe bias so Pull-up/down resistors are not required. Normally required once the system has reached it`s quiescent state, when no drivers are driving the bus. Only one end of the bus requires the resistor network.

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