Make this Fancy LED Tail Ring Light Circuit for your Car

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The following article describes a fancy LED sequencing/diverging ring type light which can be used as a tail brake light in cars. The circuit idea was requested by one of the avid readers of this blog, Mr. Bobby. lets learn more. Could this circuit be adapted to create a round tail light that lights rings in sequence from the center out as the bra

Make this Fancy LED Tail Ring Light Circuit for your Car
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ke is pressed, one ring at a time until all the LEDs are lit and then flash all the LEDs twice and keep all LEDs lit solid after If not, could you design a circuit that would I would be willing to pay for your time. IC1 which is a "serial shift resistor" forms the heart of the entire circuit, the main function of this IC is to illuminate the LEDs connected to pin outs #3-4-5-6-10-11-12-13 in a sequence, keeping the sequence latched and illuminated as it proceeds. This happens in response to each clock pulse applied at pin#8 of the IC. The LEDs which aretriggeredby the pin#3-4-5-6 and 10 are arranged as rings such that it illuminates from inner most ring first toward the outermost ring, producing an interesting and visually rich effect. In response to the above clocks, the sequence proceeds creating the desired diverging illumination effects, until it reaches pin#10. The LEDs receive the required positive supply through T1 which stays triggered due to the low logic at pin#13 of IC1 The LEDs which needs to be connected across the collectors of T1 and T2/T3/T4/T5 may be wired up in the following manner. The arrangement should be designed in a circular manner to form the corresponding RINGs.

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