Microcontroller Unit Co-Simulation for SPICE-Based Circuits in NI Multisim

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

National Instruments Multisim now has microcontroller unit co-simulation capabilities, allowing you to include a microcontroller, programmed in assembly or C code, within your SPICE modeled circuit. The MCU functionality in Multisim enables students, educators and professional users to program MCU`s in assembly or C language within the familiar Multisim environment.

Microcontroller Unit Co-Simulation for SPICE-Based Circuits in NI Multisim
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The MCU capability can be used with any of Multisim`s virtual instruments for a complete system simulation, including the microcontroller and all connected analog and digital SPICE components. The MCU Module supports Intel ®/Atmel ® 8051/8052 and Microchip PIC16F84a chips as well as a broad range of advanced peripherals like external RAM and ROM, keypads, graphical and alphanumeric LCDs and others. The MCU Module takes full advantage of the Multisim educational platform which makes it the ideal choice for courses such as digital electronics, computer architecture, MCU programming, embedded control, senior design and more! The attached archive contains all files necessary to complete this tutorial. However, this tutorial is showing how to create an MCU Module project from scratch, with the exception of source files. The MCU project used in this tutorial uses a PIC16F84 from Microchip to demonstrate a simple up and down counter. Port A of the microcontroller is configured for input and connected to two switches. Port B is configured as output and connected to a 7-segment displays. The switches are used to turn the display on and off and change counting direction. The 7-segment display shows the current counter value (0-F). This MCU Module example consists of two identical projects. One build with assembly and one with C code. Use the following components to complete the circuit as shown below. All components can be used with...

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