NiMH battery charger circuit diagram using LTC4060

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Using the LTC4060 integrated circuit, can be designed a very simple smart NiMH battery charger electronic project. This electronic charger circuit project is a complete fast charging system for NiMH or NiCd batteries. This NiMH battery charger circuit require few external components and it has a very high efficiency. Backup termination consists

NiMH battery charger circuit diagram using LTC4060
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

of a programmable timer and battery overvoltage detector. An optional external NTC thermistor can be used for temperature-based qualification of As you can see in the schematic circuit this fast charger electronic project will provide a maximum charge current of 2 Amperes and require an input voltage of 5 volts DC.

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