Triton Cooling Systems

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

The Lambda II is based upon the Atmel 8535 chip, which operates at 4 MHz and contains 8K of RAM. This chip was chosen over other brands such as Motorola or Pic, because the circuit used to program it using a computer is very simple to build. This results in an inexpensive way to get started with Atmel products. Although this programming method work

Triton Cooling Systems
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s perfectly, a development board called the STK-500 was bought later on in the project. This board allows programming of any Atmel processor, and includes onboard LEDs and switches that can easily be connected to any of the ports. This simplified development and testing procedures greatly. The Atmel AVR STK500 starter kit is specially designed as a development system for Atmel ’s AVR flash microcontrollers. The STK500 provides a quick start to develop code on the AVR combined with other features to develop prototypes and test new designs. The STK500 interfaces with AVR Studio, Atmel ’s Integrated development Environment (IDE) for code writing and debugging. Three basic external circuits were required in addition to the Atmel 8535 microcontroller that allow the processor to be interfaced with the real world. The first is the LCD readout for monitoring and changing settings, the second is the temperature monitoring system, and the third is the fan control circuit. Because almost all small LCD screens are based on the same controller chip, called the Hitachi HD44780, it is fairly simple to interface one to the microcontroller. The following link shows the wiring schematic from the Atmel microcontroller to the LCD readout. As shown in the figure, Port C of the Atmel 8535 is wired to the 4-bit databus and the three control lines of the LCD. The method used to control fan speeds in this project is called Pulse Width Modulation,...

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