Positioning Systems for Bed Profiling in Hydraulics Physical Models

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Typical solutions for vertical movement of probe of bed profiling devices (guide wheels, dumpers, brakes, backlash and vibration suppressors not shown). Figure 7. Pictorial description of a complete mechanism for vertical motion of a bed profiler; the electric motor, the potentiometer and the pressing leaf spring are mounted on the back

Positioning Systems for Bed Profiling in Hydraulics Physical Models
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face; guide wheels are not shown. Figure 12. Root locus sketch of the closed-loop system: a) general plan; b) enlarged view near the origin showing the effect of varying the controller pole P c from lag-lead to PI. Figure 15. a) Graphic view of the data acquired for whole flume length. b) Enlarged view of the profiles in the region of interest; c) Photo taken through the last sections of the transparent acrylic wall of the flume. Physical hydraulic models are commonly used to study complex flow problems in the field of coastal engineering, estuaries, rivers, reservoirs and hydraulic structures. LaboratG³rio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) and other hydraulics research institutions developed some kinds of devices for recording bed profiles in flumes and hydraulic basins with varying types of bottom materials (sand, plastic, among others), most of which are based on servo-controlled positioning systems ( Cardoso, 1964 ; Azevedo & Morais, 1989 ; Delft Hydraulics, 2005 ; HR Wallingford, 2006 ; Palma et al, 2008 ). A common type of apparatus for this purpose consists of a vertical position controlled device driven by a small electric motor with a mechanical transmission actuating a rod as depicted in Fig. 1. At the lower end of the rod there is a probe which is the bottom sensor used for the tracking the rod point under water closely to the sediment bed. Sediments like sand or mud are often very weak materials and require...

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