Power Supply Control Circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

A power supply with frequent energy switching; but the schematic is incomplete. I should add another circuit which controls the voltage polarity converter (Four transistors). The circuit generates high frequency current pulses. @CamilStaps Actually I didn`t know what to do! Where to start! I have no idea about the `voltage polarity converter` and its controlling circuit. Sorry about any inconvenience, but I will

Power Supply Control Circuit
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appreciate any though would explain the thing. Siraj Muhammad May 16 `13 at 18:41 @SirajMuhammad What objectives do you have to reach in this homework (This is more like a practicum assignment since you have to physically build the device. ) Nick Alexeev™ May 16 `13 at 18:48 @pjc50 50 or 60Hz transformer would be much larger than a high-frequency transformer (say, 100kHz). The circuit in the question has more moving parts, but it`s smaller and cheaper than having a low frequency transformer. Nick Alexeev™ May 16 `13 at 19:24 The starting point I would take with this circuit is to break the diagram down into functional blocks (or sub systems). Reading the circuit from INPUT ->-OUTPUT (Left to Right as drawn) On the left hand side we have 4 DIODES arranged in a conventional (full wave) bridge rectifier configuration converting the AC input into (bumpy) DC. C1 is the smoothing capacitor that gets rid of the bumps (hopefully) and R is either a real or `implied` circuit resistance to limit the initial charging current to the capacitor. The output across C1 is (or should be) smooth DC. ~ (charge time constant(Seconds) = R(ohms) x C(Farads) - so far this is a very standard circuit and requires no further changes. When T1 and T4 are turned ON a current will flow through the PRIMARY COIL (N1) so that the TOP connection is POSITIVE and the BOTTOM connection is NEGATIVE - i. e. conventional current flow is TOP(+) to BOTTOM(-). When T2...

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