Pressure Switch Design With Semiconductor Pressure Sensors

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Today`s electronic designs are focusing more on optimizing efficiency in an attempt to minimize unnecessary power dissipation not only to maximize battery life in portable applications but to also assure that the application is running as cool  as possible. One of the challenges facing today`s designers of synchronous buck PWM controllers is the

Pressure Switch Design With Semiconductor Pressure Sensors
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proper selection of the external MOSFETs Many designers are unaware that improper MOSFET selection CAN result in less than optimum eff iciency and that proper selection becomes an even more prominent consideration as the conversion ratio increases (increasing input-to-output vol tage rat ios). This application note first reviews the fundamentals of driving a MOSFET and then discusses the high-side and low-side MOSFET power losses. Efficiency versus load cur rent data for a typical appl icat ion ci rcui t using the SP6133 synchronous buck PWM Controller is then presented for several configurations of high-side and low-side MOSFETs to demonstrate the impact on efficiency for increasing conversion ratios.

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