Proximity Camera Head (A2047) Manual

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The Proximity Camera Head (A2047) is a Long-Wire Data Acquisition ( LWDAQ ) Device that reads out a TC255P image sensor. It is a radiation-tolerant descendent of the Inplane Sensor Head ( A2036 ). We use the A2036 and A2033 most often with the LWDAQ Software`s Rasnik Instrument Figure: The Proximity Camera Head (A2047A). Marked are (1) the eight-w

Proximity Camera Head (A2047) Manual
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ay flex socket for connection to a TC255P Minimal Head (A2016), and (2) the LWDAQ device socket. The flex socket pin one has a square pad on the connector footprint. The A2047 connects to a LWDAQ driver (such as the A2037 ) or LWDAQ multiplexer (such as the A2046 ) with a LWDAQ cable. The A2047 connects to the image sensor through a flex cable. The image sensor is mounted upon any TC255P Minimal Head ( A2016 ). The flex cable is a 1-mm pitch, 8-way flat cable. We have operated the A2047 with flex cables up to 450 mm long, but we notice an increase in image noise and some loss of contrast at such lengths. In almost all our instruments, the flex cable is less than 100 mm long. The Inplane Sensor Head (A2047T) has the same shape as the Inplane Sensor Head ( A2036A ). The A2047A is a long, thin version of the same circuit, designed for the long, thin Proximity Camera. The A2047C is identical to the A2047A except that its output amplifier gain is higher to suit readout of the TC237B. Resistors R26 and R29 are 3. 3 k © instead of 1. 0 k ©. We designed the A2047 for use in the ATLAS end-cap muon spectrometer alignment system. The circuits read out chessboard images as part of Rasnik Instrument. For a description of Rasnik images and how we analyze them, see Rasnik Analysis. Table:Command Bit Allocation on the A2047. An "X" means the command bit serves no function. The signals are DCEN for direct clock enable, SRGD for serial...

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