S53MV Notune SSB giga radio set

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This article is copied from replica sites to here in order to have a local and long living copy at hand. It seems like had radical rework done to it sometime in 2006 and original copy of this article disappeared. When discussing SSB transceivers, the first question to be answered is probably the following: does it make sense to develop and build

S53MV Notune SSB giga radio set
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new SSB radios Today SSB transceivers are mass-produced items for frequencies below 30MHz. There is much less choice on the market for 144MHz or 432MHz SSB transceivers and there are just a few products available for 1296MHz or even higher frequencies. Most radio-amateurs are therefore using a base SSB transceiver (usually a commercial product) operating on a lower frequency and suitable receive and transmit converters or transverters to operate on 1296MHz or higher frequencies. The most popular base transceiver is certainly the good old IC202. All narrow-band (SSB/CW) microwave activity is therefore concentrated in the first 200kHz of amateur microwave segments like 1296. 000-1296. 200, 2304. 000-2304. 200 etc due to the limited frequency coverage of the IC202. Transverters should always be considered a poor technical solution for many reasons. Receive converters usually degrade the dynamic range of the receiver while transmit converters dissipate most of the RF power generated in the base SSB transceiver. Both receive and transmit converters generate a number of spurious mixing products that are very difficult to filter out due to the harmonic relationships among the amateur frequency bands 144/432/1296. However, the worst problem of most transverters is the breakthrough of strong signals in or out of the base-transceiver intermediate-frequency band. This problem seems to be worst when using a 144MHz first IF. Strong...

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