Simple Power Saving Devices

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

If you need a tool to save electricity you use, so in this article a simple power saving device circuit diagram is very suitable for you to test. Basically, this tool can really save electricity in your home from 10-25%. Work of this tool is simply to reduce the number of cosines of the AC current curves which will be read on a gauge to measure a

Simple Power Saving Devices
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

mile in your home. The power saving device will work if there is an AC load through a coil of wire sensors to measure the amount of AC current through it. Or a scientific theory is how we can reduce the possibility of the largest peak (peak of the curve of AC (sine-cosine) to read so low. power saving device component which affects the flow of AC and condenser or capacitor or inductor loop. You can do is flow air conditioner filters before entering the electricity network in your home. Here is a schematic power saving device drawing: Create the circuit in a plastic box. then use a capacitor with good quality, the more expensive the better. to SW is functioning as a safety in case of short circuiting due to the capacitor.

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