Stepper Motor Project

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The microcontroller board is shown (top left/green board) along with the auxiliary board (bottom left / brown board) and the two geared Hurst stepper motors. In this view of the microcontroller board the programming jumper is in the upper right area. Power is applied in the lower right. The IR sensor is in the upper left next to the yellow

Stepper Motor Project
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LED. The stepper motors connect to the two six pin headers on the left side of the second board, seen below. The activation switch (which moves the bridge up or down) connects at the bottom center and the sound unit or other accessory connect via the screw terminals on the bottom left. When the programming jumper is in place the unit is in program mode and functions can be controlled by the TV remote control unit. The unit used in this example is a Philips CL015 that is programmed to emulate a Sony remote 1. Make sure the programming jumper is on the two jumper pins on the green microcontroller board. This allows the remote control unit to operate the motors 2. Type a 4 digit number of degrees, for example 0720 for 2 rotations (720 degrees) - note that the LED flashes out each digit as it is entered - please allow time for each digit to flash out before entering the next digit. Pressing the UP/DOWN button will move the motors the programmed number of degrees. The first press of UP/DOWN moves the motors CW. The second press moves the CCW. Note. If power is lost while the bridge is up the unit will remember that is was up and the next press will put the bridge down. If power is lost in the middle of an up or down operation the bridge controller will not know where the bridge was stopped and the unit must be reset by with the remote control unit - (install the programming jumper and use the 1-6 keys (as above) to move the...

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