Super Oscillator Conversion

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The first thing to do is to take notes indicating which wire connects where on the 36 tube socket. Remove all of the wires connected to the 36 tube socket. Then, drill out the rivets holding the five-pin 36 tube socket in place, and remove the five-pin 36 socket. You need to remove every winding from the coil, until you are left with a bare form.

Super Oscillator Conversion
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The inner coil form will also need to be removed. The inner form will no longer be needed, and may be set aside in your junkbox for possible future use. After you remove all of the old windings and the inner form, you should bake the form in an oven at 200 degrees for at least a half hour (an hour is even better), to dry out any residual moisture. Taking the free end of your #31 or #32 AWG enameled magnet wire, poke it into a hole closest to terminal number 3 of the coil form. Feed the wire through the hole and pull it down from inside the form. Then wrap a few turns of the free end around terminal number 3. Now solder the wire to this terminal. Next, carefully wind a single layer of 150 turns clockwise onto the form. Clockwise indicates the direction of winding as you look at the bottom of the form. Again, find a hole in the form as close to the end of your winding as you can. Feed the wire through this hole and down through the inside of the form. Attach it to terminal number 5 and solder in place. Now, with your #38 AWG wire, feed out enough wire to stick out over the bottom end of the form, leavng plenty to wrap around terminal number 2. With the hot glue gun, apply a small dab of hot glue to the wire while holding it in place at the bottom of the mylar tape, close to terminal 1. This glue is necessary to hold the wire in place. Now begin winding the primary winding onto the form. This is wound counterclockwise! You...

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