TDS9092 TDS971 IEEE-488/RS232C

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This is a Eurocard communications board for TDS2020F or TDS9092 computers (or earlier types). It contains an IEEE-488 Talker/Listener interface and two RS232 ports with all baud rates from 75 to 38400. A DIP switch on the board selects the IEEE address. The board comes complete with 45cm ribbon cable terminated in an IEEE-488 specification socket

TDS9092 TDS971 IEEE-488/RS232C
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for mounting on your instrument. The TDS971 addresses are already used on the TDS9092 for internal RAM. Interchange the signals to pins a4 and a5 of the TDS971 (address lines A8 and A9). This will change the address of the board from 01xx to 02xx, and examples in this section have been changed to reflect this. The board is single Eurocard format (160mm x 100mm) and has a DIN 41612 type C connector (two rows of 32 pins 5. 04mm apart). Its pin connections correspond with both the TDS2020F and TDS9092 and are given below. You will need the TDS9092-PLUG type to work with this board. The IEEE-488 interface is brought to a 24-pin DIL socket on the solder side of the board into which the ribbon cable assembly provided with the board is plugged. The other end of the ribbon is an IEEE-488 24-pin socket for mounting on the case of the instrument. Put in the DIL plug so that the ribbon cable faces to the rear of the board. The IEEE-488 connections will then be correct on the other end of the ribbon cable. A third connector is a 9-pin D-type socket on the front of the board. It carries one of the two RS232 ports and also power from the computer which can be led to a remote location. Two uncommitted signal wires go from this socket to the backplane. Pin connections are: For full details of use of an ACIA see the manufacturer`s data sheet (e. g. Motorola MC68A50 or Hitachi HD68A50). The following is an example of its use. There are two...

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