Telecard reader with AT90s2313 micro

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This circuit is onlyreader. It`s not programmer. You CANNOT refill, hack or any illegal thing, the telecards. The purposeof this circuit is for you to understand how a microcontroller readsthetelecard, forbuilding other electronic circuits such as`electronic safety lock` or`Checker for how much units (credits) leftin the card` etc. This reader can

Telecard reader with AT90s2313 micro
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

read the contained memory of the telecard. These cards have 64 bytes ( 512 bits) of eeprom memory that the first 8 bytes ( 64 bits ) arewrite protected. They areonly for reading. This circuit does not include any lcd display, to keep the cost low, but the data can be viewed to any PC system using the RS232 port, by the Hyper terminal software. The circuit based on AT90S2313 AVR microcontroller from atmel, programmed with telecard. hex and telecard. eep. The converter from + - 12V of RS232 to TTL and from TTL to + - 12V is MAX232. When you build the circuit ( i think its very simple ), connect the reader with RS232 port of the PC, run the Hyper terminal software ( start programs - accessories communications Hyper terminal ) and set the baud rate to 19200 bps 8 none 1. If you use a telecard holder, usually this holderincludes a switch that is pressed when you insert the card. You can use this switch, to make the reading of the card, automatic. The 1st (85) and 2th (FC) byte it`s the country. The 3th (0B) is the units (3000) and 4th is the customer (OTE). These results are fromtesting of 50 different Greek telecards and i don`t know if they are correct. The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th bytes are the serial number of the card in hex form. If you convert the 4A037AA0 hex ( bytes 8 to 5 ) to decimal, you will get the number 1241741984 ( look at the serial number of the black telecard above ).

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