Tesla HV Coil

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

Is it (when operated through a spark gap) allways a quarter wave, or a half wave or multiple of a whole wave so that there are 2* n maximums that are achieved. Can someone point out to sources that are related to creating standing waves and the resonance frequency of the coils. On the secondary is only a load put on. What I wanted to say was that if it is a Tesla coil configuration and you want the

Tesla HV Coil
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points of max excitations on the ends of the coil(tesla coil) the excitation f and the speed of the propagation of impuses c determines the lenght of the coil. The no of turns is not important, the lenght is. The impulse travels from the beginning of the coil - wire and back. So the higher the f the shorter a coil. A Tesla secondary should use a length of wire that is equal to a quarter-wavelength of the excitation frequency. The number of turns comes into play when deciding whether to use a short-fat form, or a tall-skinny form. Substantial energy can be stored in inter-turn capacitance. In a short fat coil, there is more voltage difference between adjacent windings than there is in a tall skinny coil. Short fat coils work better for maximum power transfer between primary and secondary. Tall skinny coils work better for transmitting power across space, as in this small Tesla power plant. This power plant is drawing only a few Watts (35 or so here) from the mains, and yet it will light up as many fluorescent bulbs as you can hold near it. Turn up the power (by opening the gap, bottom right, now nearly completely closed) and the range increases proportionally.

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