Tone control low noise circuit Schematic Diagram

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Tone control or pre-amplifier is an amplifier circuit supporters. Sometimes some of us do not know where a good amplifier, a raft alone and the results are not much different or even the same. Therefore we must know the character of the advantages and disadvantages of each amplifier equipment. Tone control low noise here does not mean without nois

Tone control low noise circuit Schematic Diagram
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e, but noise compared with the lowest tone control on the market, for example Ronica transistor 4, TL-084, TC-2 LM833 etc. Potensio 1 serves to regulate the intensity / level of the incoming signal is assisted potensio 2 as balance / counterbalance. Potensio 2 is still installed and is usually an optional component. 1-2uF/250V capacitor R1 is actually a brand name, but I prefer to replace it with a 1K resistor / 5% normal for reasons to avoid hum and interference sensitive. R2 R3 while minimizing interruption to adjust the impedance OP-amp 1. R4 and R5 serves to increase the gain of 1. 3 times. Pre amplifiers typically use a strengthening standards by 2 times, but by most of us think it has a noise. So I chose the value of 1. 3 times, but the most minimal noise signal from the volume is enough to make the lamp light peak. For low noise. Cause of noise in op amp 1, apex audio even eliminate this stage. Can This step is also used as a buffer (jumper R5), the strengthening of a time. Lower values increase the value of R5 or R4 with consequent gains to be less, but remains at a value above 1 times due to input non-inverting path to take, so that the signal and noise can be reduced. R4 can also be replaced with a 10K trimpot and middle leg into the bass range adjuster (bass resonance). C1 and C6 as a filter to reduce the treble / high frequency of excessive or often called oscillation prevention. R6 is actually an optional...

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