Trigger circuits for stroboscopes

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This page contains some information on circuits which can be used for triggering stroboscopes from external circuits. The circuit here are designed to be integrate to strboscope circuits so that they can triggered using external trigger pulse. The standard trigger pulse used in professional stroboscope controllers is 3-10V pulse. If you don`t alre

Trigger circuits for stroboscopes
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ady have a suitable controller, you can built one based on my stroboscope controller design. Stroboscope circuit use lethal voltages, so you must be very careful when operating with them. When the stroboscopes are triggered using an external signal, then there are some extra safety things to consider. The safest way is to provide a complete galvanic isolation of few kV between the trigger input and the stroboscope circuitry. This isolation can be done using and optoisolator or transformer isolation. CAUTION - high voltage of strobes can cause a nasty and possibly fatal shock. The energy storage capacitor can retain dangerous high voltage after power is removed from the board. This circuit takes 10V trigger pulse to trigger a triac which connect the points A and B together. This circuit can be placed to almost any stroboscope circuit in place of the trigger switch or the trigger triac. Using this circuit a short pulse applied to the input of MOC3023 will trigger the stroboscope one. If the input of MOC3023 is kept constantly at +10V, the stroboscope keeps triggering constantly at it`s maximum rate, because the circuit retriggers every time when the voltage over TRIAC exceeds around 90V. The isolation between the trigger signal and the stroboscope circuit is provided by MOC3023 optoisolator, which can withstand pulsed up to 7500V. This isolation level is more than dequate in typical applications. If you want really anjoy this...

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