USB Fuse

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Life in the 21st century would be almost unbearable without some of the computer peripherals that PC users now look on as essentials - take for example the USB powered teacup warmer; this device is obviously an invaluable productivity tool for all users but it could prove a little tire some if the extra current it draws from the USB port is suffic

USB Fuse
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ient to produce a localised meltdown on the motherboard. In a slightly more serious vein a similar situation could result from a carelessly wired connector in the design lab during prototyping and development of a USB ported peripheral. What`s needed here is some form of current limiting or fuse to prevent damage to the motherboard. The MAX1562 shown in Figure 1 is a purpose-built USB current limiter from the chip manufacturers Maxim. The device operates with a supply voltage from 4. 0 to 5. 5 V with an operating current of typically 40 A or 3 A in standby mode. The circuit introduces a very low resistance in the power line (typically 26 m but guaranteed less than 50 m) from an internal MOSFET. The FET gate bias voltage is generated on-chip from a charge pump circuit. The chip can distinguish between an overload and a short circuit condition in the supply line by measuring the voltage drop across its internal resistance; if the voltage is less than 1 V a short circuit is assumed and the chip pulses a (limited) output current every 20 ms in an effort to raise the output voltage. This approach will eventually be successful if the short circuit was caused by a large value capacitor across the USB supply pins or an external hard drive which have a high in-rush at start up. If the supply rail is not pulled up within the first 20 ms the FAULT output (pin 2) is driven low. The output current limit is set by a single resistor on...

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