Voice dimmer

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

I was excited when I found VRbot - a voice recognition module, that has several interesting functions such as Without hesitation, I bought one of the module for my experiment. The module size is about 1` x 1 3/4`. The company provides a free download GUI software called VRbot GUI. The software is for set up User-defined commands of the module. Because input/output

Voice dimmer
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data coming and leaving the VRbot module are TTL level, a level shifter is need to interface with PC. MAX232 with four capacitors is excellent but any other method can be use. The picture shown below is a hook up the VRbot with the level shifter connected to a PC. Open the VRbot GUI software then click "Connent" botton. If everything works properly you should see something like a picture shown below, otherwise, you have to check the hardware connection. The VRbot should be test with the VRbot GUI software. Okay, That was the hardware side. The next thing to do is to understand how to operate the VRbot module. All commands and description are in VRbot Communication Protocol file that you must have it as your reference. The most usefull of the document seem to be a last few page that give you comunication examples procedure. Here are some bottom lines. The VRbot can recognize user-defined words/phases or speaker dependent (SD) from specific speaker in any language from custom wordset when recogniton command is activate. User can define words/phases or train the VRbot by using VRbot GUI software. The VRbot communicates with MCU with UART protocol with 3. 3 to 5V TTL level, normally at 9600 baud, 8 bit data, No parity, 1 bit stop, but can be change up to 115200 with a command. Arguments that required by command shown as number in document must map into a real parameter. The argument value 0 is `A`, 1 is `B`, 2 is `C`, and so...

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