Walker Robot

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This is vWalker v1. The `v` standing for V, as in five. It is a five motor walker that goes towards light and avoids obstacles. The goal was to create a walker that could navigate over rough complex terrain while seeking out the brightest source of light. The base controller for the walker is four master/slave linked bicores. All of the other circ

Walker Robot
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uits take input from sensors and modify the signal coming out of the bicores to make the walker backup, turn, and seek light. Currently vWalker has five possible states. Walk forward lifting the front legs Walk forward lifting the back legs Walk backwards Stray to the right ~2` turn radius Stray to the left ~2` turn radius Notes: The only thing not show are the motor drivers. I used two sets of three 74AC240 inverters in parallel to drive each servo. Any driver will work so just swap out the (M) with your driver of choice. Here`s what mine looked like. This description of operation must be used with the schematic in of Ian`s vWalker v1. Currently this schematic shows no pin numbers for the 240 inverters but identifies the inverters with a letter as one of a group of 4 inverters which are tri-state enabled by the same control pin. Each 74HC/AC240 chip has two groups of four inverters and two tri-state enable pins. Some groups are permanently enabled by grounding the control pin. Other groups of inverters are turned on or off with the tri-state enable pin for reverser and control circuits. In some cases, only one or two inverters of a group of four is used, while the others are left unused. This is probably a result of the use of "tile" circuits which are easy to connect together to form a functional circuit but this design method is often inefficient in making full use of the available resources. In this description, the...

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