What do I need for a basic RF circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The purpose of this circuit is for research and education. If anyone knows where I can get parts for simple RF circuits or even a tutorial or schematic that would be really appreciated. Honestly guys, I know you are all probably annoyed with this question and trust me, I wouldn`t bother you all if I could find my own way into RF for beginners but really I`m having the toughest time finding good resources for RF circuit building.

What do I need for a basic RF circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

All I`m looking for is something to get me started in the right direction and then I can go from there. I`ve googled about a thousand things to try and find info on this but all I end up getting are a bunch of RC planes/boats sites. Nothing for just regular basic do-it-yourself circuit building.

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